在一起 (Being Together)

Seeing the internet as a space to go to means to think that people who are online around us have left for some place else. And if that’s the case it can quickly be rude to hide in the virtual bubble from one moment to the next. But it’s not necessarily true. We can be online together, not only be taking a photo of each other, but by laughing, reading something out loud, sharing stuff back and forth – or just by lying on the same couch and playing with each others feet while doing it.

Is is the same as having a conversation? Of course not! But is it so much different from reading a book next to each other? (…this is a rhetorical question…) Maybe the most important part is to see the act of taking out a smartphone not as an ubrupt ending of a social situation, but to see it as part of it – with all the responsibility that entails.

(A lot of cropping and some slight changes, warming the tones, reducing the reds, stuff like that… These images are quite chaotic, but so is life.)

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