Two photographers standing on a platform, the low sun and Taipei 101 in the background. The photographers have their cameras on tripod next to them and are discussing energetically, one of them gesturing with his hands.

共同創造 (Co-creation)

象山 (Elephant Mountain) is probably the most popular place in all Taipei to take photos of the skyline – at least if you trust Google image search for the city’s name. Indeed, it’s very accessible, close, and offers a great view onto 101 and Xinyi district around it, especially at dusk!

No wonder that it’s very popular with tourists and photographers alike. While the former mostly go to the “Six Boulders Observation Deck” for cheesy pictures and stop at the platform on the way there, local photographers often make a turn towards the Firework Lookout that is much less crowded and offers an at least equally good view onto the city.

At least I love it. After collecting hundreds of images of the skyline, I now love to do some “street” there, like with these two photographers, probably nerding about cameras, framing, perspectives, etc. What joy!

(It’s of course impossible to not blow out the sun here and I had to lower the highlights and raise the shadows a lot, but it still kinda works and looks realistic. It’s probably mimicking how our eyes deal with a situation like this.)

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