一起下線 (Offline together)

Okay. After a six-day hymn of praise, it’s time to state what I think is the most important point. Social media, smartphones, the internet, all that – in the end it’s all not as important as we make it, and it’s of course neither bad nor good. Like with everything, we have to take responsibility for our actions and only then can we change them.

If we look clear-eyed at what our technological marvels gift us (immense power, but also: ads) can we see what they cannot give us. With every new feature, it’s emptiness they can provide even less. Being empty of the opinions of others, the itch to read, watch, listen to more, empty of ourselves.

So why not put down your smartphone, grab your loved one, your camera, or a bottle of water, and go out to enjoy some undisturbed minutes offline. After all, “the internet” is even less in your hand than it’s in your head. Meanwhile, the real world waits to be smelled and touched!

(I’m not even sure this image is deliberately out of focus, but I think I like it more as it is. At least it wouldn’t have made the series otherwise.)

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